This Is A Trapezoid

Pen & ink
mixed media

This Is A Trapezoid
A trapezoid is a four-sided figure, with only one pair of parallel sides. There can be no more than two right angles (lest it be a rectangle), or there could be no right angles. If there is only one right angle, it can only be a quadrilateral. On each of the non-parallel lines, the sum of the angles created is equal to 180 degrees, always. If the two angles created by one of the parallel lines are equal to each other, the angles created by the opposite line must also be equal to each other and the trapezoid will be symmetrical and isosceles. If the angles opposite each other are equal to each other, than it is a parallelogram and not a trapezoid.
I started This Is A Trapezoid around the end of my senior year of high school, along with many other artists participating in the 100 days project. The goal is to build consistency and to enjoy habitual artwork and of course encourage instagram engagement. I decided the only limit I would put on what each day's piece could be was that it had to ultimately be a trapezoid. In 2021,
I continued the project, and still today, I make whatever art I fancy, as long as it's a trapezoid.




Eyes Half Closed
Spring Shower
three suns in a fast september sky


Pink Tree

Portrait in Blue



torn white curtain





unlikely friend

This Is A Trapezoid
Dancer in the Mountains



Ten Red Buttons


Colored Bridge

This Is A Trapezoid

scare crow, off stage right

late night doodle



the woman in the wo ds
An Emotional Pair



Rib Cage
This Is A Trapezoid
in a trapezoid, in...
*much larger in life

*about this size in life
Roadtrip Giraffe

Floral Friends



"sometimes art is about taking away"
you decide






8 hrs




Taking Turns